Thursday, January 6, 2011

New years

The puzzle we put together- We are so cool

Zoey, watching her all time favorite
show... Barney

8 months old- Zoey will be walking soon

We had such a fun Holiday season! I am so excited for 2011 to already be here, there are so many things to look forward to. Zoey is growing up so fast and will soon be one years old. Here are some of her new things:
she can walk around the apt with her walk and stand scooter, still put everything in her mouth, say "Mama" when she is sad, has two bottom front teeth, can feed her self crackers, get into EVERYTHING, and I think she is so close to signing some new words. I think she understands a couple of different phrases in sign.
We love you all and hope you all had a terrific holiday and are just as excited as we are for this new and exciting new year!


*Katie* said...

I still can't get over how stinking cute that chair is! She's such a sweetheart :)

The Parcells said...

It looks like you guys had a great Christmas too. Isn't it fun when you think you found the coolest toy and realize that every mom found the coolest toy too? lol. Kiralie doesn't really like that walker. But it looks like Zoey is putting her's to good use. Its amazing how time flies though. We are going to have a 1 year olds in a few months. Where did the time go?